Sunday, August 8, 2010

We've moved!! Baby #4- Hulk Jr.

This is our new house. With Diamanti and Sarah joining the family, the old house was too cramped. I made enoug sculptures to pay for this new house though! The backyard is a little cramped, but the ocean view is amazing!

See what i mean?

This is the workshed. I'll b making more stuff here, and i might start workshopping too!

The kids' play area...

The back patio...

And this is the birthday party area.

The first floor: This is the kitchen, dining room, and laundry room...

Computer room, which can also be called a study...

Rec area...

Living room. (kida small, but there's another one upstairs)

Me room... (that bed's gonna get alot of use)

My bathroom and guest bathroom

Second Floor: upstairs living area.

Indoor play area...

Boys' bathroom... (eventually)

Girls' bathroom...

Boys' bedroom...

And the girls' room.

Della still loves her toy bear. She won't play with anything else...

The twins are a real handfull

Della too. I wish i could change the rules and have a babysitter come and help. I could use the rest.

One afternoon i was napping because having two babies and toddler is tiring. I woke up when i heard the door bell ring. I opened the door and saw a green man.

"Can i help you?" i asked and rubbed my eyes. "My name's Hulk. I heard you were doing the 100 hundred baby challenge. I want to help." he said plainly. "Oh thank you!" i said feeling more awake.

I was very excited, maybe too excited, i leaped into his arms. He carried me to the bedroom.

The lulaby rang in our ears.

Before he left, he kissed me again. I found out one of his traits is a great kisser.

I finished the cleaning, and the kids were taken care of, so i went on to the trampoline. I didn't know i would get so high!

I got nauseous again and quickly ran into the girls' bathroom for cover.

I was feeding Diamanti when...

Nausia strikes again. I should be getting my baby bump sometime soon, so i might age Della and the twins up to make room. I'm hoping for a boy this time.

I was feeding Diamanti (she's always hungry) when i got my baby bump! i'll age them up tomorrow. I'm trying to get Multi-gender twins this time around. I'll consult a doctor... sooner or later.

Della was first. "Blow out the candle, sweetie." i told her. She tried her best but the candle wouldn't go out. I blew it out for her.

Della at age 9. She's so beautiful. She's going to be a heartbreaker for sure.

She liked darker clothes, so apperently her goth stage hit early.

"Hey mom, i'm going to be an astronaunt when i get older." she told me. She likes to look out the telescope, even when it's not dark outside.

Next was Diamanti, because she was the older twin. I'm hoping she, Sarah, and Della get along well. It looked lke Della likes her sisters already.

"Peek-a-boo!" Della said while playing with Diamanti. She was so surprised. It's the heart warming moments like these i remember why i took the challenge.

Diamanti got my hair colour, but her dad's eyes, nose, lips, and... everything else.

She looks kind of like a little boy, but she's still adorable.

Sarah looks just like her dad. She and Diamanti have the prettiest shade of purple for their eyes colour.

She likes to wear overalls and no shoes. She's so adorable.

Della already loves playing with the twins. I hope she'll help out with the others kids too. She' really is a sweet kid.

I'm teaching Sarah how to walk, but it would be much easier if one of her traits wasn't clumsy.

Della has a great sense of humor. "You call this playing, i call it training!"

Diamanti loves the sterio in the living room.

"Friendly." i said to Sarah. "Fwendi." she responded making me giggle.

"Alright!" i said to Diamanti when she learned to walk. She learned alot quicker than Sarah because she's not as clumsy.

"Money." i told Diamanti. "Moni." she said. I shrugged and said, "Close enough."

"Wow, those stars are amazing!"

It's Della's first day of school. She hugged each of her sisters before leaving. "I'll see you later, Sarah." she said.

"I'll play with you later, Diamanti."

"Bye mom." she said. "Have a good day, sweetie." i said.

She told me she didn't have a very good feeling about the bus driver...

Right as i was starting to play a game with Diamanti, my contractions started again. I screamed loudly before taking myself to the hospital.

Why am i the only one who doesn't freak out when it comes to child birth?

I had my first boy! I named him Onyx. He has green skin like his dad! It's amazing. I hope he likes it at our house...

THANKS FOR READING!! I'll try to post every other day, but i start school soon so it might not be as frequent. Send me names at
and fathers on my sims account: Izzy_Duff


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